Check out these love and sex images:
Image by ak42
Image by ak42
Image by ak42
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Answer by walrico2007
before asking questions you should learn to not ramble and be able to convey your ideas in a logical progression people can follow, but yes it is something alot of americans do, sex in public can be very exciting and naughty its frowned upon by society which is why its so exciting!
Answer by Krishen
your face is a better icon...........more than a boy it can be a playful girl.........
Answer by Ñ"ÑÑÏÑ 404: epιc Ò"aιl noÑ Ò"oÏ
Burn the Bible. That thing is a disgrace to books.
Answer by Ally D
your 13. you dont know everything. listen up
Answer by Anna S
how is this a question?
Answer by âªJenâª
You can become pregnant from sex the night you come off of your period. You can conceive from sex WHILE on your period.
The long story: You have two phases in your cycle: The Follicular Phase and the Luteal Phase. The Follicular Phase is the days from the first day of your period to the day of ovulation. This phase can be different lengths each month and cause your periods to be earlier or later than "usual". The Luteal Phase is the day after ovulation to the day before your next period and is almost always the same number of days in length, with the exception of a day or two longer or shorter.
The Follicular phase is when an egg matures and is released (ovulation). This can happen very early for some people, even while they are still bleeding from their period. Your period is the shedding of the lining of your uterus, so it has nothing directly to do with your ovaries and ovulation.
Also, you have a fertile window of 6 days:
Sperm can live in your uterus for up to 5 days. The sperm carrying the female chromosomes (two X chromosomes) live longer (3 to 5 days) and they are stronger, yet slower swimmers. The sperm carrying the male chromosomes (one X and one Y chromosome) die sooner but are very fast swimmers.
The egg is viable for 12 to 24 hours after ovulation before it dies and desinegrates. That gives you an averaged 6 day fertile window. The sperm can live long enough to fertilize the egg upon ovulation.
So, you can become pregnant this early. Don't be shocked if it happens... or if it doesn't.